Sanjay College of Pharmacy (SCP), Mathura

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Sanjay College of Pharmacy (SCP), Mathura

time outline iconMathura, Uttar Pradesh, India


In 1980’s when there was a dearth of education sector all over the country, and when approached by the regional administration, our Hon’ble chairman Shri S.K. Sharma dared to invest in the non-profitable noble cause of setting up of educational institutions for the good of the society and spreading quality education all over the country. With this aim, the SKS Group of Institutions was established to provide quality education and set up a new model in India’s history of technical education.


Laboratory: Pharm. Chemistry Lab-I (Organic Medicinal Chemistry Lab)- This Lab is Utilized for the Synthesis and identification of Organic Medicinal Compounds. The Lab is equipped with modern infrastructure like distillation still, rotary vacuum evaporator, hot air ovens and fume cupboard. For the synthesis of medicinal compounds a reterosynthetic strategy is planned in a manner so that the theoretical as well as practical yield of the compound or the intermediate is maximum. 

Library: The Faraday Library is rich in texts on pharmaceutical studies. Several study material for advanced medicinal chemistry and advanced methods of pharmacological screening of bioactive compounds, advanced synthetic procedures for organic medicinal compounds in the laboratory.

Transportation Facility: SKSGI is located on NH#2 and the nearest town is 20-25 km away. The nearest railway station is also located almost about the same distance. In order to facilitate the students (Day Scholar), faculty and staff the tension free to-and-fro journey commuting from their destination is highly popular amongst all.

Established Year



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