Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Echocardiography (PGDCE)

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Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Echocardiography (PGDCE)


Duration: 1 Year(s)

Parul University, Vadodara

Vadodara, Gujarat, India


Course TypePG Diploma

Course Specialty

Clinical Echocardiography


Annamalai University - Chidambaram


    Mode of Payment and Fee Structure:

    • Tuition fee : Rs.90,000/- Plus 18% GST for the entire course.
    • Registration Fee Rs: 4000/- Plus 18% GST
    • Examination Fee: Shall be communicated at the time of examination yearly.
    • Registration Fee and Tuition Fees shall be paid by any one of the following means: Demand Draft / NEFT or Direct bank transfer. No Cash fee will be acceptable.

    Course fee payable in the name of : JROP Institute & Research Centre LLP ,Delhi

    Terms and Condition:

    Only those physicians or cardiologist, who have attended JROP Institute of Echocardiography , Ultrasound & Vascular Doppler, Delhi ,basic 7 days echo course from “JROP Institute” are eligible for this program with access to echo machine and one local coordinator cardiologist at their place of work. (A letter form concerned local faculty is important along with self certificate that echo machine is available with them to practice at their place of work.) In special circumstances , permission may be given to students , who have not attended the 7 days basic program from JROP Institute of Echocardiography, Ultrasound & Vascular Doppler, Delhi , may be given after due interview and any prescribed test in Delhi.

    Admission and Enrollment number:
    The students admitted will be assigned an Enrolment Number. This number, which is different from the Application Number, will continue to be the same till a student completes the program.
    Students should invariably quote their Enrolment Number in all their correspondences with the Co-ordinator, JROP Institute of Echocardiography Ultrasound & Vascular Doppler, New Delhi / Chairperson, Admissions Committee, Parul University. Letters received without the Enrollment Number will not receive any attention.

    Personal Contact Program: (PCP)
    Each student thus admitted shall under a compulsory personal contact program which will be arranged 6 times in 12 months duration with 100% compulsory attendance along with Hands on Sessions. The sessions will be fixed once in every 2 months depending on situation. A candidate has to appear in all sessions continuously so as to complete the program.
    A regular exam of questions and avi clips will be conducted from the 2nd part of the first session or 2nd session onwards to 6th session. At the end of 12 months, 3-theory and one practical examination shall be conducted as per schedule along with questions and avi clips. The exam shall be conducted every year as per the schedule notified by Parul University / JROP Institute schedule.

    Attendance at the PCPs of the following Programme is compulsory for the number of days stated below:

    Six spells of two days each in a year (100% compulsory attendance)

    • Personal Contact Program (Theory & Practical Classes) will be organized by JROP Institute of Echocardiography Ultrasound & Vascular Doppler, New Delhi at JROP Institute of Echocardiography, Delhi / Parul University, Vadodara.
      A circular with details of date, venue, Compulsory attendance particulars and time for the Personal Contact Program to be held shall be intimated to the students with sufficient notice in order to enable them to make necessary arrangements for attending the programmes.
      PCP Attendance Regulation
    • No student shall be permitted to take the examination if he/she fails to satisfy the minimum requirement of attendance at the compulsory Personal Contact Programme.
    • If he/she takes the examination without attending the Compulsory Personal Contact Programme, the result of examination shall be cancelled.


    • 1st Session :Session shall be two days in a month, starting from 11.00 hrs. on Saturday till 20.00 hrs. Sunday starting at 09.00 hr. till 16.00 or more.
    • 2nd to 6th Session :Morning session on Saturday will have an examination from 11.00 to 13.00 hrs, comprising of previous session chapters. Saturdays and Sunday will have Hands on Session for 2.5 hrs. each. Sunday will have question answer session at the end of program (i.e. 14.00 -16.00 hrs.)

Fee (INR):

90000 (Total)

Stipend (INR):



Hostel Facility




    • Candidates with MD Degree in General  Medicine and Allied Specialties ( Pediatrics, Critical Care, Anesthesia, Emergency Medicine , Pulmonology ) from recognized University or any other University recognised as equivalent there to with full registration of the concerned State Medical Council ).
    • PGDCC from IGNOU

Minimum Education

MD General Medicine

Admission Process:

    • Read carefully and thoroughly the Application Form and the Prospectus before you begin to fill in the form.
    • Check your eligibility, i.e. minimum required educational qualification, for the program you are applying for.
    • While filling in the application form, enter very clearly and correctly the programme code, name of the program.
    • Upload self attested copies of certificates for the educational qualification.
    • If the certificates submitted by the applicant are in a language other than English, an attested English version of the certificates should also be uploaded. .
    • An application will be summarily rejected if there is any discrepancy between the material particulars filled in the application form and the supporting documents. The name of the applicant, his/her date of birth and qualification will be considered as material particulars in this context.
    • The candidates who have passed MD in General Medicine & Allied Specilities will only be considered eligible for admission.
    • Applicants possessing degrees awarded by Universities/Colleges/ Institutes which are not recognized by the University Grants Commission are not eligible for admission to these program.
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