PhD in Veterinary Science
Duration: 3 Year(s)
College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Course TypePhD
Course Specialty
Veterinary Medicine
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences
- Major Fields of study shall be as decided by the Academic Council of SVVU from time to time. These will be listed in the prospectus to be issued every year for admission.
Fee ():
Stipend (INR):
The students are paid a stipend of Rs.10000/- per month for PhD during Internship.
Hostel Facility
- Master’s degree in the respective/related subject from SVVU/ANGRAU or from an institution accredited by ICAR. OGPA of 6.5/10.00 or 2.7/4.00 or 70% marks in traditional system for general category candidates and 6.00/10.00 or 2.5/4.00 or 60% marks in traditional system for SC/ST/PH category candidates at Master’s Degree Level.
Minimum Education
MVSc (Master Of Veterinary Science)
Admission Process:
- Only residents of A.P. are eligible for admission except in case of ICAR quota. The seats will be filled by SVVU with an entrance examination and etc weightage.
- 30% seats over and above the seats allocated for residents of A.P. are earmarked for ICAR quota.