Master of Veterinary Sciences (MVSc) in Veterinary Pathology

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Master of Veterinary Sciences (MVSc) in Veterinary Pathology


Duration: 2 Year(s)

College Of Veterinary Science, Proddatur

Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh, India


Course TypeMaster

Course Specialty

Veterinary Pathology


Veterinary Council of India (VCI)

Fee ():


Stipend (INR):



Hostel Facility




Prof. Velamala Vaikunta Rao


    • A Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry from SVVU/ANGRAU or from an institution accredited by ICAR/VCI with OGPA of 6.00/10.00 or 2.5/4.00 OGPA or 60% marks in the qualifying degree in the traditional system in case of general category candidates and 5.00/10.00 or 2.00/4.00 OGPA or 55% marks in traditional system for SC/ST/PH category candidates.
    • The minimum OGPA / marks is relaxable in case of nominees of State Government/Industry.
    • The upper age limit shall be 40 years as on 1st July of the year of admission
    • For in-service candidates, upper age limit shall be 45 years.

Minimum Education

BVSc (Bachelor Of Veterinary Science)

Admission Process:

    • Only residents of A.P. are eligible for admission except in case of ICAR quota. The seats will be filled by entrance test & etc weightage conducted by SVVU.
    • 30% seats over and above the seats allocated for residents of A.P. are earmarked for ICAR quota.
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