Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) in Pharmaceutical Analysis
Duration: 2 Year(s)
Total Seats: 10
JKKN College of Pharmacy (JKKNCP), Namakkal
Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Course TypeMaster
Course Specialty
Pharmaceutical Analysis
The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University
- The Department of Pharmaceutical analysis was inaugurated in March 2007 with an intake of 10 students per year. Various seminars, International conferences, work shops and paper presentations turned them to shine well in the field of pharmacy. Analysis lab is equipped with modern instruments like HPLC, FT-IR, Microprocessor controlled automatic melting range apparatus, Conductivity meter, Potentiometer, Flame photometer, Double beam spectrophotometer etc.,
- Some of the areas chosen for carrying out PG projects:
- · Micro analysis of Drug loaded samples by HPLC.
· Determination of structures and purity of natural and synthetic substance by FT-IR spectrophotometer.
· Analysis of fluorescence substances by spectroflourimeter.
· Electrochemical studies like polarography, conductometry, Amperometry, potentiometry
· Analysis of important constituents in food such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
· Determination of additives in food by chromatography
· Analysis and Evaluation of certain official formulation derived from crude drug including some Ayurvedic preparations.
· Qualitative and quantitative determination of cosmetics.
· The department applied for various schemes to tap grants from various funding agencies.
Fee ():
Stipend (INR):
Hostel Facility
Candidates for admission to first year of the M. Pharmacy Post Graduate degree course shall be required to have passed the B.Pharmacy degree of this University or any other University recognized as equivalent thereto by the authority of this University.
Minimum Education
BPharm (Bachelor Of Pharmacy)
Admission Process:
- Candidates can get admitted the through Government or management quota, as per the rules framed by the Tamil Nadu State government. The students seeking admission through government have to apply directly to Directorate of Medical Education, Chennai after +2 results are announced. The seats will be allotted based on single window system counseling. All the admissions are on merit basis.
- The students seeking admission through Management quota has to apply directly to college. Application form, prospectus and other details for B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, Pharm.D & Ph.D courses can be obtained from the College office on Payment of Rs. 500/- by cash M.O./D.D. drawn in favour of “The Principal, J.K.K.Nataraja College of Pharmacy, Kumarapalayam”.