Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) in Neurology

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Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) in Neurology


Duration: 2 Year(s)

D.E. Society's Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Pune

Pune, Maharashtra, India


Course TypeMaster

Course Specialty

Neuro Physiotherapy


Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS)


    • The 2-­year course involves intensive training in various healthcare settings. Lectures are based on self-directed learning, with the students presenting their findings and inferences. The students are also expected to shoulder administrative tasks as applicable.
    • During the 2 years of training, the students finish a mandatory thesis and are encouraged to undertake smaller, individual projects. Students appear for university examinations at the end of the course. On successfully clearing these exams, the students receive a degree of Master of Physiotherapy (M.P.T.).

Fee ():


Stipend (INR):



Hostel Facility




Dr. Snehal Joshi


    • The student has to appear for and pass the Bachelor of Physiotherapy course prior to applying for a Master’s course.
    • The Directorate of Medical Education and Research conducts the PGP-CET for students desirous of pursuing Masters in Physiotherapy.
    • The student has to appear for and clear this examination.
    • A student is considered eligible to successfully pass the B.P.Th. course and the PGP-CET. The student has to submit original documents to the college.
    • The fees are to be paid in full at the time of admission.

Minimum Education

BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)

Admission Process:

    • Admissions are through the PGP-CET counseling rounds only, unless otherwise specified by DMER and/or MUHS.

    List of required documents:

    • Age, Nationality and Domicile certificate,
    • Birth proof (Birth certificate / valid passport)
    • P. Th. passing certificate
    • Internship Completion certificate.
    • P.Th. degree certificate.
    • College leaving certificate
    • Medical fitness certificate.
    • Caste certificate
    • Caste validity certificate
    • Non-creamy layer certificate
    • Migration certificate for students who have appeared for universities other than the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.
    • Gap certificate explaining reason for the gap in education.
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