Gynecology Academy, Bangalore

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Gynecology Academy, Bangalore

time outline iconBengaluru, Karnataka, India


The objective of Gynecology Academy is to provide systematic and comprehensive coverage, including recent advances and new-found knowledge in the rapidly expanding fields of Fetal Medicine, Gynecological Ultrasound and Infertility. The academy offers training through flexible online programs which are a convenient way of acquiring specific knowledge and expertise and can be done at your own pace, time and place. They have done their best to develop interesting, interactive and engaging courses. Their expert faculty have put together their many years of diligent study of various cases including rare and challenging ones, into this teaching programs through their lectures. Candidates from all over the globe, especially practicing radiologists, gynecologists, sonologists and medical students, with varying levels of experience will greatly benefit from the courses they offer, as evidenced by our glowing testimonials. The academy believes education and spread of knowledge in these fields of gynecology will make a big difference in the lives of our women, their families and the society at large.



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