Fellowship in Neurologic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

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Fellowship in Neurologic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


Duration: 6 Month(s)

International Academy Of Health And Education (IAHE), Indore

Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


Course TypeFellowship

Course Specialty

Neuro Physiotherapy


    You'll learn about physiotherapeutic treatment approaches for a range of neurological injuries and conditions, from acute to chronic and mild to severe, in the context of the current evidence base. The course involves critical review and analysis of approaches to treatment intervention with clinical reasoning and management. You'll be encouraged to reflect critically on your own practice and scope of practice and actively participate in discussions, debate and workshops.
    By the end of this course you should be able to:
    Demonstrate advanced theoretical clinical reasoning skills and critical understanding of the evolving evidence base to justify the assessment and management of selected neurological presentations critically justify strategies and techniques for neuro-physiotherapy treatment in a selection of clinical presentations and reflect on your scope of practice.

    How will this course be taught?
    This module will use a variety of teaching and learning strategies. The module’s content will be delivered through seminar sessions, practical's, workshops, directed, and self-directed study.

    • Seminars  - 50 Hours 
    • Guided Physiotherapist Learning – 50 hours
    • Self-guided Physiotherapist Learning – 100 hours
    • Hands-on Workshops - 50 Hours.
    • Total Learning – 250 hours
    • You'll also learn about: 250 Hours.

Fee (INR):

75000 (Total)

Stipend (INR):







    Applicant should have done Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT).

Minimum Education

BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)
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