Dispur Hospitals, Guwahati

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Dispur Hospitals, Guwahati

time outline iconGuwahati, Assam, India


The hospital has maintained a constant growth in all disciplines of contemporary medical science. With 200 beds, our strong commitment to deliver comprehensive patient-centered quality and compassionate health care is evident in our excellence of eminent doctors in all departments, all these at an affordable cost. Skill upgradation is a constant process with doctors, nurses, paramedics and other staff being regularly deputed for training at recognized centers. Our commitment to social welfare also extends to free health camps. Thus, we continuously strive to make each day more comfortable and promising for the patients through responsible application of medical technology in an environment of understanding and care.


  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Urology
  • Cardiology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Neuroscience


National Board of Examination (NBE) - New Delhi


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