Cosmetica India, New Delhi

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Cosmetica India, New Delhi

time outline iconNew Delhi, Delhi, India


Cosmetica India provides a wide range of affordable beauty, skin, hair, and cosmetic dermatology services including hair transplantation, skincare, weight loss treatment, stem cell therapy, etc. With the help of latest machines & equipments under high safety standards. You are welcome to the whole new world of Beauty and Grooming Treatments. This is the place where they help you recreate your beauty and will also make you aware of how to live Healthy and Well-groomed. Here they help you learn about the latest information and resources about fighting beauty ailments. By 2022 they wish to expand their treatment centers in every state of this country so that they can help out as many people as they can. They’ll make Cosmetic Dermatology and Hair Transplant so affordable and cost-effective that people will stop seeing it as an expense and start to see it as an investment in their future.


  • Hair transplant
  • Non Surgical Cosmetology
  • Surgical Cosmetology
  • Skincare Services/Skin Treatments
  • Aesthetic medicine and Hair Transplant training Course


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