Certificate of Training in Critical Care Medicine (CTCCM)
Duration: 2 Year(s)
Total Seats: 2
Citizens Specialty Hospital, Hyderabad
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Course TypeFellowship
Course Specialty
Critical Care Medicine
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM)
The CTCCM Exit exam will be conducted at the completion of 2 years of training. It comprises of theory exam of 100 MCQ’s and Practical exam. Practical exam to be given by only those candidates who pass theory exam. Practical exam will comprise of 2 cases (history taking, examination & documentation), 3 tables (1-Basics of ABG, ECG, Drugs, Radiology, 2-ACLS, 3-Airway & Basics of ventilation). After successful completion of CTCCM, candidate can pursue IDCCM training course for 2 years. In case of gap during CTCCM tenure, candidates should complete the course tenure of training within a maximum period of 3 years and will be allowed to appear for the examination up to 3 years after completion of the course. Trainees would need to have a minimum of 60% attendance for an academic year in order to be considered eligible to give the exams.
Admission Intake
Fee (INR):
100000 (Total)
Stipend (INR):
Self Managed
Dr. A. Srinivas
Applicants should have completed MBBS or equivalent allopathic medical degree with valid Medical Council of India (MCI) registration.
Minimum Education
Admission Process:
Selection will be done by the ISCCM recognized teacher Dr. Srinivas Jakkinaboina, HOD Critical Care Department in Citizens Specialty Hospital on candidate’s eligibility.