Certificate of Observership in Fetal Intervention

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Certificate of Observership in Fetal Intervention


Duration: 15 Day(s)

Gynecology Academy, Bangalore

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Course TypeObservership

Course Specialty

Family Medicine


    Course Price of Certificate of Observership in Fetal Intervention is Rs 70,000 + 18% GST.

    An observership for 15 days on any 3 areas of focus, viz, Fetal medicine, Fetal echo and Fetal interventions will be available at CIMAR Cochin Hospital, Kochi, Kerala. New batches will start from 1st and 15th of every month and no more than 2 candidates will be taken per batch so that each candidate gets personal attention. The candidate selection will be on first come first basis.

    Salient Features:

    1. This is a 15-day course that covers Fetal Medicine, Fetal Echocardiography or Fetal Interventions.
    2. About 30 scans are done in the department per day. Majority of these are high risk cases, second opinions and multiple pregnancies.
    3. Around 40 to 45 procedures are done each month in the department.
    4. Other than observership there will be classes conducted for the observers.
    5. An optional observership of the genetic laboratory Is available for those interested.

    Course Content:

    1. In The fetal medicine course, you will be able to observe how to do a proper NT scan, Anomaly scan and a growth and Doppler scan along with practical lessons on counselling patients as and when problems arise.
    2. In the fetal echo course, the specifics of doing a proper fetal echo will be taught along with access to the CIMAR fetal echo archives where each anomaly will be discussed in detail under the guidance of our consultants.
    3. In the fetal intervention course, you will be able to observe diagnostic procedures like amniocentesis and CVS, and therapeutic procedures like fetal reduction. Intrauterine transfusion, BPCC, RFA and fetoscopic laser can also be observed subject to availability of cases during the period of observership.

Admission Intake


Fee (INR):

70000 (Annual)

Stipend (INR):

Not applicable


At Your Own




Dr Bijoy Balakrishnan


    This course caters to practicing sonologists, gynaecologists and radiologists and those who are training to become practitioners in Fetal Medicine and Obstetric Ultrasound, as well as postgraduate medical students in these fields.

Minimum Education

DGO (Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology)MD/MS Obstetrics & GynaecologyMD Radio DiagnosisMD RadiologyDNB Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Admission Process:

    • Applicants should apply with curriculum vitae and academic documents via email.
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