Certificate Course in Fetal Growth

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Certificate Course in Fetal Growth


Duration: 2 Month(s)

Gynecology Academy, Bangalore

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Course TypeOnline

Course Specialty

Obstetrics and Gynecology


    Course Price of Certificate of Participation is Rs 7,700 + 18% GST.

    Growth disorders are almost always encountered in OG practice. From Growth restriction to Macrosomia anything is possible in routine pregnancy care. Modern obstetrics has always stumbled over these hurdles and is forever trying to find the best way to identify and manage these pregnancies. In this module we take you through common clinical dilemmas faced during the management of growth disorders in Pregnancy.

    Salient Features:

    1. This is a 2-month course that covers the entire spectrum of growth disorders from basic growth assessment to complex issues like diagnosis of Late FGR.
    2. Real clinical case scenarios will be discussed to help you solve your day to day growth issues with the fetus.
    3. Doppler evaluation of the fetus, when to use and how will be explained along with proper interpretation of the findings.
    4. A self-assessment test will be present at the end of each lecture.
    5. Facility for answering questions and clarification of doubts on material provided is also available.

    Course Content:

    There are 5 talks in this course dealing with the entire spectrum of growth – from growth restriction to macrosomia. Once you viewed the lectures, please complete the self-assessment of each lecture to receive the certificate of participation.

Fee ():


Stipend (INR):



At Your Own




Dr Bijoy Balakrishnan


    This course caters to practicing sonologists, gynaecologists and radiologists and those who are training to become practitioners in Fetal Medicine and Obstetric Ultrasound, as well as postgraduate medical students in these fields.

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