Advance Certificate course in SAS

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Advance Certificate course in SAS


Duration: 6 Month(s)

Global Pharma Academy, Pune


Pune, Maharashtra, India


Course TypeOnline

Course Specialty



    Basic SAS / Advance SAS / Clinical SAS overview

    Structure of course:

    Base SAS:

    • Basic Concepts
      SAS Windows, Step boundaries, Submitting programs
      Self-study: Help facility familiarization 
    • SAS Syntax
      Identifying keyword, Syntax Rules, SAS Comments, SAS errors types , SAS errors identifying and correcting
      Referencing Files and Setting Options
      Descriptor and data portion, Proc print, Proc contents
      SAS Variable names, types and its attributes, SAS Date, Missing data values
      SAS Libraries 
    • Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data 
      TXT, CSV
      Data step and delimited source files
    • Editing and Debugging SAS Programs

    Drop, Keep statements

    Data step statements

    Where statement operators

    Adding permanent attributes

    Creating new variables

    Sas functions

    Creating and enhancing Reports

    Understanding DATA Step Processing
    Input buffer and PDV
    Conditional programming, do loop, arrays

    • Creating and Applying User-Defined
    • Combining datasets 
    • Global statements
    • Graphs
    • Different procedures
      Proc Sort, proc print, Proc Contents
      Proc freq, Proc Means, proc univariate, Proc Summary, Proc tabulate, Proc report

    SAS Macro
    Create and use user-defined and automatic macro variables within the SAS Macro Language. Define and use macro variables. 

    • Use macro variable name delimiter. (.) 
    • Use INTO clause of the SELECT statement in SQL to create a single variable or a list of variables. 
    • Use the SYMPUTX routine in a DATA Step to create a single variable or a list of variables.
      Control variable scope with: o %GLOBAL statement 
    • %LOCAL statement 
    • SYMPUTX scope parameter
    • Automate programs by defining and calling macros using the SAS Macro Language. 
    • Define a macro using the %MACRO and %MEND statements. 
    • Calling a macro with and without parameters. 
    • Document macro functionality with comments 
    • Generate SAS Code conditionally by using the %IF-%THEN-%ELSE macro statements or iterative %DO statements. 
    • Use the SAS AUTOCALL facility to permanently store and call macros. 
    • Use macro functions. 
    • Debug macros.


    • Use PROC SQL to perform SQL queries. 
    • Select columns in a table with a SELECT statement and FROM clause. 
    • Create a table from a query result set. 
    • Create new calculated columns. 
    • Assign an alias with the AS keyword. 
    • Use case logic to select values for a column. 
    • Retrieve rows that satisfy a condition with a WHERE clause. 
    • Subset data by calculated columns. 
      Join tables - inner joins, full joins (coalesce function), right joins, left joins. 
    • Combine tables using set operators - union, outer union, except, intersect. 
    • Sort data with an ORDER BY clause. 
    • Assign labels and formats to columns.

    Clinical Domain

    • Phases of clinical trials
    • Type of clinical trials
    • Important documents
    • Overview of data flow
    • Overview of SDTM / ADaM standards
    • Important domains for interview
    • Roles and responsibilities

     Best and focused training by experienced professionals
     Dummy software, Session data, Practice data will be provided
     Clinical SAS Job oriented and Interview focused preparation 
     Interview preparation and assistance
     Soft copy of Books will be provided
     Base SAS preparation guide
     Advanced SAS preparation guide
     CDISC standards SDTM ADaM implementation guide

Fee (INR):

25000 (Total)

Stipend (INR):







    Applicant should have done B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm D, Medical science.

Minimum Education

MPharm (Master Of Pharmacy)Pharm D (Doctor of Pharmacy)BSc (Bachelor of Science)BPharm (Bachelor Of Pharmacy)
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